The No-Cost, No-Risk Way to Upgrade Your Building’s Energy Efficiency

Smart Energy Recovery is a new eco-friendly company dedicated to helping condominium corporations and property managers reduce their buildings’ carbon footprint and save you money.

At no risk and no cost to you, we can replace your condominium’s existing systems and equipment with new, more energy efficient equipment which we then monitor and maintain for the life of our agreement.

Windows, boilers, HVAC, lighting, motion detectors, CO² detectors and more.  All can be upgraded or replaced with the newest, highest energy efficient equipment.

Once the retrofit is complete, all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the monthly guaranteed savings on your utility bills.

How It Works


The Smart Energy Recovery Team starts with a walk-through inspection of your building and its current equipment. Previous utility bills are analyzed and a preliminary report is written which is then followed by a comprehensive independent energy audit.

A detailed construction schedule and communication plan are prepared, including a 15 year guaranteed payment schedule

Once the agreement is approved, your building’s old systems are replaced or upgraded. Everything is then carefully tested and inspected prior to it being commissioned.
Monitoring & Maintenance

Smart Energy Recovery takes care of the ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the newly installed system and equipment, with regular reporting of the results.